What is Save Miramichi Salmon (SMS) all about?
SMS has one goal. To restore the historic ecosystem balance in the Miramichi river system.
What does ecosystem balance mean?
A. Ecosystem balance for the Miramichi means that species should be managed with the precautionary approach, where one species is not favored to the detriment of any other single or multiple species.
Does this mean that SMS would like to see striped bass eliminated from the Miramichi river system?
No! SMS is not advocating for the elimination of striped bass in the Miramichi. SMS recognizes that striped bass have historically been a part of the river system. What SMS wants is balance not elimination.
Would getting the species in balance mean that the striped bass recreational or commercial fishery would be eliminated?
No! SMS is advocating for a striped bass level of 100,000 spawning fish. This would allow a robust recreational fishery.
Why has SMS picked 100,000 spawning striped bass as the best level?
A. Scientific evidence and historical population levels of bass and Atlantic salmon have shown that 100,000 is the maximum number of spawning bass at which both species, as well as gaspereau, shad and sea run trout, can survive.
Does SMS support a stocking enhancement and rebuilding program for Atlantic salmon?
Yes, SMS does, because again science shows that even with a controlled striped bass population the Atlantic salmon rebuilding would be tenuous as it has been reduced to critical levels.